Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog Cells shape, radius, villi, dimples, size to have highest rate of diffusion

Villi % of Cell Surface Area: 50
Radius: 1x
Cell Shape:10:1
# of Dimples: 0
Dimple % of Cell Surface Area: 10
Highest Rate of Diffusion: 4.64(r)

Blog 6 Photosynthesis compared to Cellular Respiration

The formula for photosynthesis and cellular respiration is shown below. The formula basicly explains what what happens in the process.
6CO2(6 carbon dioxide molecules) + 6H2O(6 water chemicals + energy
--> 6O2(6 oxygen) + C6H12O6(sugar)

Cellular Respiration (the reverse reaction):
6O2(6 oxygen) + C6H12O6(sugar)
--> 6H2O(6 water) + 6CO2(6 carbon dioxide) + energy

Photosynthesis ProcessPhotosynthesis is a chemical process that takes place in the presence of sunlight, where in plants make their food and build stores of energy. This occurs in chlorophyll containing plant cells. Chlorophyll is a pigment found in plant leaves that gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll absorbs the light energy and utilizes it to produce carbohydrates (sugars) from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). This chemical reaction produces oxygen which is released into the atmosphere.

Cellular RespirationCellular respiration is the process of oxidizing food molecules or breaking down chemical bonds of glucose into carbon dioxide and water. The energy released during the process is trapped in the form of ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) and used by different energy consuming activities of the cell. In other words, it's a set of the metabolic reactions that occur in the mitochondria of the cells of organisms to convert biochemical energy from nutrients into ATP, and release byproducts. The complete breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide and water involves two major steps: glycolysis and aerobic respiration.

Differences :
-Photosynthesis is where plants use sunlight to make food and cellular respiration uses plants or other living organism to convert food into energy.
-Photosynthesis takes place inside the chloroplasts and cellular respiration takes place inside the mitochondria.
-Photosynthesis requires energy to produce glucose and cellular respiration uses the glucose produced from photosynthesis to make energy (ATP).
-Photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide, water and sunlight from the atmosphere to create sugar and releases oxygen back into the air and cellular repiration combines sugars with oxygen, releases the energy as ATP and carbon dioxide and water as by products.
-Photosynthesis occurs in plants and some bacteria and cellular respiration occurs in all living organisms.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Blog 5 Difference between C3, C4, and CAM

C3 Plants:
velvet mesquite
 Co2 enters the Calvin cycle producing the first product which is 3-phosphoglycerate. C3 plants have closed stomata on hot  and dry days due to losing water. The Calvin cycle is slowed because the Co2 concentration in the leaf air space falls. Rubisco puts O2to RuBP when Co2 moves around. After the product split, a two carbon compound leaves the chloroplast and releases Co2.

C4 Plants:
fourwing saltbush
C4 plant is added to PEP (3 carbon compound) with the help of an enzyme. The left over four carbon compound in the mesophy2 calls of the leaf is moved to bundle sheath cells tightly packed around veins of leaf. C4 is breaks down to release Co2 making concentrations high so that rubisco can get Co2 and start the calvin cycle.

CAM Plants:
In some plants stomatas are closed during the day to reduce extra water loss from transpiration. Desert plants can CAM (crassulacean acid meatobolism) photosynthesis, photosynthesize while stomatas are closed. In CAM photosynthesis, a process similar to C4 photosynthesis, PEP carboxylase is used to fix Co2 to oxaloacatate, but oxaloacetate is changed to malic acid instead of malateand sent to cells vacuole. During the day, malic acid is changed back to oxaloacetate and carbon dioxide is released for photosynthesis. Co2 later then enter the Calvin cycle.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Blog 4: what i learned about Macromolecules Structures

Macromolecules structures are mainly giant molecules that is made up of polymer and monomers. Macromolecules makes up carbohydrate, lipids, vitamins, proteins, and nucleic acid. I learned that the simplest carbohydrate is the monosaccharide. The common monosaccharide is glucose (C6H12O6) which is a hexose meaning 6 carbon atom in the aldose type (CH=0) making it a aldohexose. Having two monosaccharide joined by (glycosidic) dehydration reaction makes a disaccharide, for example sucrose formed by the bond of glucose and fructose. I learned that the macromolecules also makes fat which are made from smaller molecules by dehydration reactions. Two types of fatty acid is saturated and unsaturated fat. Saturated fat only have single bonds between carbons and its formula H-(CH2)n-COOH. Unsaturated have double bonds that force the chain to bend. I learned that vitamins are lipids and or terpenethat has 3 mthyl ring, 2 methyl group, and a alcohol group. I learned that proteins are structured with diverse functions that contains four structures. The first structure is the sequence of amino acids, the second structure is the folding or coiling of the polypeptide from hydrogen bonding, the third structure is the shape of the polypeptide from the interaction of amino acid chain. The fourth structure is when proteins are made more than one polypeptide chain. I learned a nucluic acid stores and sends information from rna and inheriting is based on the copying of the dna.
Image Detail

Blog 3 Vocab Wordle from Biochem unit

Wordle: Untitled
In the wordle above containg vocab words are about biochemistry. A macromolecule is a giant molecule, whereas a polymer is a long molecule consisting of many similar or identical building blocks linked by covalent bond. The repeating units that serves as the building blocks of polymer are small molecules called monomers called monomers. The large molecule in three of the four classes of lifes organic compound are carbohydrate, protein, and nucleic acids. Monomers are connected by a reaction where two molecules are bonded to each other through loss of water molecule known as dehydration reaction because the molecule lost water. Polymers are disassembled to monomoers by hydroliosis that is a reverse process of dehydration reaction. Carbohydrate includes sugar and their polymers which is fuel and building material. Phospholipds are like fat but only has two fatty acid tail instead of three. Polymers of amino acids are called polypeptide. A protein consists of one or more polypeptides and folded. A catalyst is a chemical agent that changes the rate of a reaction without being changes whereas a enzyme is a catalytic protein. Without enzymes, metabolism would be hopelessly completed. Properties of chemical elementsare important to life and from the structure of atom. A atom consists of neutrons, protons, and electrons, the neutrons and protons are pack together which makes up the atomic nuclues leaving the electron orbiting it. The outer electron is known as valence electron. All of these words are related to chemical reactions in a living organisms.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 2 Vocab Wordle 20 words from Ecology unit

Wordle: Untitled

The important content of ecology is basicly the interactions between an organism and its environment. Interactions between organisms takes place at biomes which is also referred to ecostystem which is consisted of all abiotic (nonliving) and biotic (living) components. Interactions of organisms are wide ranging and complex so it is divided into different ecostystem like population and community. Organisms interactions affects the density of individuals and it is based on its learning from experiences, maturation from ongoing development, and habituation of loss to stimuli. Interactions between organisms and its environment may include kinesis and taxis. Organisms may result in migration due to the climate which causes dispersal.