Saturday, January 21, 2012

Blog 17 : Plant division examples

Charophyceans: algae
In the water, algae were supported. Every cell had contact with the ocean, which brought water and nourishment that could be absorbed through the cell wall. Reproduction was simple: algae released their eggs and sperm cells into the water where they could meet and form tough little capsules called zoospores. On land, all this changed. Algae cast up on the sea shore or trapped in evaporating ponds were subjected to drying winds and often to large temperature swings. At first they probably just died, but over millions of years a few algae were able to resist short periods of dryness and live on. These became the ancestors of our land plants.
Bryophytes: mosses
They form low mats, and the little plants, grouped tightly together, can absorb water like sponges. They do not have roots, although a cell at the bottom of each sprig forms a rhizoid that clings to rocks and other surfaces. Mosses do not have vascular structures (tubes like our veins for moving fluids around inside themselves) , but they do have an effective method of reproduction called alternation of generations. This method protects and nurtures the vulnerable zygote. A zygote is the new cell that is produced by the union of the genetic material from two parents. It is the cell from which a new and unique organism will grow. Mosses found a way to keep the zygote moist and alive. The zygote grows into a structure that makes spores, and the tiny spores float away in the air.
Pteridophytes: Ferns
Ferns are the plants that developed vascular systems. Some ferns still have rhizoids, but they also have roots. This makes it possible for ferns to grow into large plants. Ferns do not have true seeds. They reproduce by alternation of generations. When you turn fern fronds over, you can often see little dots on the underside. These dots are groups of spores. When the dots are brown, the spores are getting ripe and will soon be released from the plant. Spores are tiny, and will float away in the air. Some of them will come down in a new place that is favorable for fern growth.
Gymnosperms: naked seed
The first seed-bearing plants are called gymnosperms. Gymnosperm means "naked seed" because these seeds have only a dry, thin covering instead of a sturdy protective seed coat.One important change was the development of pollen to replace the swimming sperm. Pollen could float on the wind and was not damaged by the dry air. The plants made pollen cones (see picture above) which made only pollen and small, tough woody cones in which the female half of the process could be protected. (See picture with blue-green cones here.) The pollen fell on these woody cones and grew tubes down to find the ovules (eggs). After the eggs were fertilized, they developed and matured in the cone. The seed that resulted could survive drought in a dormant state. It could wait for a favorable season to begin its growth. It had a package of food to draw on when it germinated. These seeds were well adapted to the land.

Angiosperms: flowering seed
About a hundred and thirty million years ago, a new kind of plant appeared. This plant developed two innovations. First, the new plants produced flowers. Flowers allowed the plants to form partnerships with insects, and insects, in exchange for pollen and nectar, greatly increased the efficiency of the plants' pollination.Second, the parent plant provided a protective covering for the seed. Sometimes this covering took the form of a burr or a fruit, which improved the dispersal of the seeds to other places.

Blog 16 : Beak/ Time, Love, Memory

Three key ideas from Time, Love, Memory:

1. A story about a study by Alfred Sturtevant, who was a student of Morgans in 1911. It all started when Morgan postulated the arms of chromosomes crossing over and exchanging the same sections of DNA. When Sturtevant found out what Morgan did he collected the laboratorys report on the breeding of animals with different forms of gened on the same chromosome and based on the probablity of two genes moving together and figured out the order of the genes and their relative distances on the chromosome. This first genetic map stayed as an important construct of gnomics and was understood in a single night by Sturtevant at the age of 19.

2. The experiment by Thomas Hunt Morgan to see if the fly has genes for eye color on the x chromosome He knew that if the mother gives an X chromosome with a gene for white eyes and the father also gives X chromosome then they will have white eyes. But if either of her parents gives her an X chromosome then they will have red eye because red eyes are dominant in flies. He injected acid based with salt, sugar and alcohol into flies. It resulted with the next and next and the ongoing generations after to have the genes in flies. The red and white flies ended up with 1,237 red flies with an white eye in every two red eyes.

3. A test tubed experiment modeled after a laboratory routine where chemist use a trick to separate two compounds that were mixed together done by Benzer. He assumed that most flies liked lights and wanted flies to sort themselves into two or ore or less pure set of particles : light and or dark lovers and after he would look for the genes that made the difference. The experiment was called T4r2. He used milk bottles and placed a dozen of flies in each of the two with one with light and one with no light (dark). It resulted with 7/8 of the flies in the light milk bottle and 1/8 of the flies in the milk bottle with no light.

Blog 15 : Lives of a Cell

This article is about the author explaining his thoughts that the universe including Earth and human beings and everything are just like a single cell. I agree with him. He states that humans are "shared, rented, occupied, meaning that the interior of our cells drives them providing the oxidative energy that send us out for  improvements". And that mitochondria are not ours but little creatures. I agree that since mitochondrias have maintained themselves and their ways, replicating in their own fashion privately, which makes their own dna and rna different than humans. My desicion to agree with his side was because he exmplained how we all "derived originally from some single cell which fertilized in a bolt of lighting as the Earth cooled. We share genes around and the resemblies of the ensymes of grasses to those of whales is a family resemblance". Since Earth is too big and complex with too many working parts lacking visible connection makes it not like an organism but like a single cell.

Blog 14 : Cell Wordle

Wordle: cells

All prokaryotes and eukaryotes contains cells which are different in size and complexity. Prokaryotes (and bacteria/archae) does not contain a nuclei or other membrane enclosed organelles. All other organisms have eukaryotic cells with membrane enclosed nuclieand other membraneous organelles in the cytoplasm. Plant and animal cells have most of the same organelles. Free ribosomes in the cytosol and bound ribosomes on the outside of ER and the nuclear envelope synthesize proteins. Stacks of separate cisternate make up the golgo which recieves secretory proteins from ER transport vesicles, they are sorted, and changed. Lysosomes are membraneous sac of hydrolytic enzymes which breaks down cell macromolecule. A plants cell vacuole functions in storage, waste disposla, cell growth and protection. Mitochondria which is the site of cellular respiration in eukaryotes have an outer/inner membrane folded into criastae. Chloroplast contains chlorphyll that functions in photosynthesis. Plant walls are composed of cellulose fibers embedded in other polysacharrides and proteins. Water flows across a membrane from the side where solute is less concentrated (hypotonic) to the side where solute is more concentrated (hypertonic). If the concentrations are equal (isotonic) no osmosis will occur. In exocytosis, transport vesicles migrate to the plasma membrane, fuse with it, and release. In endocytosis, large molecules enter cells with vesicles pinched inward from the plasma membrane. Animal cells signal nearby cells secreting local regulators or nerve cells by secreting neurotransmitters at synapses. Both animal and plant cells use hormones for signaling over long distances. CElls can communicate by direct contact. Three stages of cell signaling: The signal molecule epinephrine binds to receptors on a cells surface which is reception, leading to a series of changes in the receptor and other molecules inside the cell which is transduction and finally to the activation of an enzyme that breaks down glycogen.

Blog 13 : Article : On Societies as Organisms

I agree with the article "On Societies as Organisms" where the humans social behavior resembles the social  behavior of ants. Ants are just like human beings they "farm fungi, raise sphids as livestocks, launch armies into wars, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, and capture slaves".They do everything but watch television. But they seem to live two kind of lives as individuals without thought about tommorrow and they are at the same time component parts, cellular elements in the next/hive. Also, bees live lives of organisms, tissues cells , organelles all at the same time. It believe that it is also true that we humans are the most social of all social animals, more interdependable, more attached to each other, and more inseperable in our behavior compared to bees but we dont feel conjoined intelligence.

Blog 12 : Article : Thoughts for a Countdown

"Thought for a Countdown" and article gives evidence on how life is similar and "interconnected and humans having ". i agree with this article because it stated that bacteria that live in tissues on insects have the apperance of specialized organs in their host and cannot survive long without them. They are transmitted like mitochondira from to generation to generation of eggs. Also that there is a symbiotic linkages between prokaryotic cells were origin of eukaryotes and that fusion between different kind ok eukaryotes led to the contrsuction of communities. From his shown of peoples thoughts has convinced me to agree with this article.

Blog 11 : Cell Poem

Hello Cells
I just wanted to thank you for functioning me!
And I think you should thank those who functioned you as well!
You should thank the cell wall for protection,
cell memebrane for regulating movements of water, nutrition, and waste into and out of the cell,
the nucleus for controlling cells avtivities,
ribosomes for synthesizing proteins,
mitochondria for being the site of aerobic cellular respiration releasing energy,
lysosome for helping you break down large food moelecules and digestion of old cell parts,
chloroplast which allows plant to obtain energy from sunlight and releases Oxygen.
I hope after you thank them you will feel like how i feel about you
thankful and appreciative

Blog 10 : Benefitial Bacteria

Staphylococcus Epidermidis Bacteria

This bacteria is one of the beneficial bacteria. It is one of the normal microbial flora of the skin and being on the skin provides important defense against harmful bacteria. There are approximately 10,000 to 100,000 Staphylococcus epidermidis on each square centimeter of skin. Some of them are on the outermost layer of the skin, while others are in the hair follicles and will travel to the outer skin layer after people wash their hands. This bacteria is also found in the mucous membranes of the throat.

Lactobacilli Bacteria
Lactobacilli is a friendly bacteria found in the digestive tract. These bacteria got their name (lacto) because they are able to form lactic acid. They play a role in producing fermented foods, fermented milk, yogurt, and cheeses. They are referred to “probiotic” since they are positive or supportive microorganisms. This bacteria inhabits the vagina and makes it stop being acidic. When reached puberty many Lactobacilli are now in the vagina so it becomes acidic again. The acidic created by the Lactobacilli bacteria protects the vagina from being harmed by microorganisms.

Lactobacillus rhamnosis

Found in natural milk products like organic yogurt and beneficial to overall health, it has been used as a nutritional supplement and can be bought over-the-counter. It is naturally found in the human digestive tract and helps to maintain health by releasing lactic acid. Lactic acid lowers a person's pH, so that harmful bacteria are kept under control.  It also helps destroy harmful bacteria and helps the absorption of minerals by helping lactose digestion. It also causes the body to make natural antibiotic substances to fight disease, increases  resistance to viral infections and prevents diarrhea.

Blog 9 : Cellular Metabolism Wordle

Wordle: cellular metabolism

Cellular metabolism are chemical processes that allows organism to respond to the environment, extrac get energy, grow, reproduce and maintain itself. It is grouped into catabolic processes that are involved with energyextraction, and anabolic processes, which involve the use of energy for growth and tissue repair. Atp is used as an barrier of chemical energy and has three phosphate graoups attached and can be broken down by hyddrolysis to release energy and are added in a covalent bond during respiration. ATP is used to drive active transport, and other chemical reactions such as photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. Plants depend on photosynthesis to obtain energy and chlorophyll to carry out the process. It contains two steps, photosystem which Atp is produced which will turn carbon dioxide into glucose, and the Calvin cycle which fixes carbon molecules from carbon dioxide into glucose without light. Overall process: 6CO2 + 12H2O + sunlight -> C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2. O2 is released as a byproduct. Cells use Atp for energy gets it from cellular respiration in three stages: Step 1 is where food breaks down into sugar, lipid, and amino acids, Step 2 is where molecules from stage 1 is turned into a intermediate product, and Step 3 is where food is turned into ATP. When oxygen is not available cells go through fermentation produce energy.

Blog 8 : Bacteria vs. Virus vs. Protist

Bacteria are considered organisms and are made up of one cell. They do not have a nuclear envelopeand  membrane bound organelles. It has circular chromosomes and are diverse in the molecules they use for food/ habitats they occupy. They can be found at the bottom of the ocean, in boiling hot springs, and maybe even on other planets. Bacteria reproduce asexually. And when mutations are not an issue and no genetic material has been transferred from other bacteria or viruses, the daughter cells will be identical to the parent.

Viruses are not cells and are not made up of cells so they are not considered organisms. They are agents/particles that cannot make their own ATP/ carbon-containing compounds, so they rely on cells for energy and replication. Viruses are considered parasites because without other organisms viruses would just exist and would not be reproducing or catalyzing molecules. They have genome, so it is not determined iif it is alive or not. There are a lot more viruses in the world than any type of organism.
Protists do have a nuclear envelope and organelles. Their cytoskeleton gives them structure. It is common for protists to sexually reproduce but its not always. They undergo cell division through mitosis. Protists have DNA within their nucleus that is made with many parts with proteins called histones. Protists can be made up of several cells and are larger than bacteria. Due to their membrane bound organelles, each cell can specialize in a task. They can be parasitic, predatory or even photosynthetic in nature. They live in moist area.

Blog 7 : Bacterial Transformation and Transduction

In bacterial transformation and transduction, Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer was the inventor who discovered bacteria transformation and transduction and was even rewarded the 1996 Lemelson-MIT Prize for Invention and Innovation. It all started with a collaboration in Hawaii in 1972 and the conference's topic was bacterial plasmids which are circular segments of DNA thatis a  permenant source the cells carrying them with antibiotic resistance and other medical benefits. Boyer's lab recently isolated an enzyme that could be used to cut strings of DNA into precise and "cohesive" segments to carry the code for a pre-determined protein and be attached to other strands of DNA. Cohen developed a method to introduce antibiotic-carrying plasmids into certain bacteria and isolating/ cloning genes carried by plasmids. Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer put their resources together resulting with Boyer's enzyme would allow Cohen to introduce specific DNA segments to plasmids and to use those plasmids as a vehicle for cloning precise, previously targeted strands of DNA. In four months,  their labs had succeeded in cloning predetermined patterns of DNA.