Saturday, January 21, 2012

Blog 16 : Beak/ Time, Love, Memory

Three key ideas from Time, Love, Memory:

1. A story about a study by Alfred Sturtevant, who was a student of Morgans in 1911. It all started when Morgan postulated the arms of chromosomes crossing over and exchanging the same sections of DNA. When Sturtevant found out what Morgan did he collected the laboratorys report on the breeding of animals with different forms of gened on the same chromosome and based on the probablity of two genes moving together and figured out the order of the genes and their relative distances on the chromosome. This first genetic map stayed as an important construct of gnomics and was understood in a single night by Sturtevant at the age of 19.

2. The experiment by Thomas Hunt Morgan to see if the fly has genes for eye color on the x chromosome He knew that if the mother gives an X chromosome with a gene for white eyes and the father also gives X chromosome then they will have white eyes. But if either of her parents gives her an X chromosome then they will have red eye because red eyes are dominant in flies. He injected acid based with salt, sugar and alcohol into flies. It resulted with the next and next and the ongoing generations after to have the genes in flies. The red and white flies ended up with 1,237 red flies with an white eye in every two red eyes.

3. A test tubed experiment modeled after a laboratory routine where chemist use a trick to separate two compounds that were mixed together done by Benzer. He assumed that most flies liked lights and wanted flies to sort themselves into two or ore or less pure set of particles : light and or dark lovers and after he would look for the genes that made the difference. The experiment was called T4r2. He used milk bottles and placed a dozen of flies in each of the two with one with light and one with no light (dark). It resulted with 7/8 of the flies in the light milk bottle and 1/8 of the flies in the milk bottle with no light.

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