Saturday, January 21, 2012

Blog 15 : Lives of a Cell

This article is about the author explaining his thoughts that the universe including Earth and human beings and everything are just like a single cell. I agree with him. He states that humans are "shared, rented, occupied, meaning that the interior of our cells drives them providing the oxidative energy that send us out for  improvements". And that mitochondria are not ours but little creatures. I agree that since mitochondrias have maintained themselves and their ways, replicating in their own fashion privately, which makes their own dna and rna different than humans. My desicion to agree with his side was because he exmplained how we all "derived originally from some single cell which fertilized in a bolt of lighting as the Earth cooled. We share genes around and the resemblies of the ensymes of grasses to those of whales is a family resemblance". Since Earth is too big and complex with too many working parts lacking visible connection makes it not like an organism but like a single cell.

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