Thursday, February 16, 2012

Genome BOW 1: Intelligence

A gene for intelligence was found in the end of 1977 by a scientist. There is no correct definition of intelligence. It is factors of thinking speed, reasoning ability, memory, vocabulary, mental arithmetic,mental energy. Accoding to Robert Sternberg there are three intelligence that are analytical, creative, and practical. Analytical are people that needs to have the information needed to solve them and have only one right answer and have no intrinsic interest like a school exam. Practical is when you recognize and formulate the problem itself, they are poorly defined, lack relevant information and may not have a single answer but spring directly out of life everyday. It is known that schools and the IQ tests concentrate on analytic and problems. IQ test are unfair because it only focus on certain kinds of minds. IQ stays constant at different ages, ages six and eighteen  will have your intelligence increase fast but your IQ of your peers will change a bit. IQ scores similar with school test results. High IQ children are often to absorb more things that are taught in school. People with high IQ's are said to have more symmetrical bodies ( a measure of how much stress the body was under when developing, stress from infections, toxins, and poor nutrients) had fewer developmental stress in womb or were more resistant to stress during it in a womb.

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