Saturday, June 2, 2012

Genome BOW 2: Stress

Chromosome 10 also known as stress genome has many past history of plagues all over it. Eating well, sleep well, and avoiding stress is a way to keep immune system in a healthy condition. Short term stressors cause an immediate increase in epinephrine and nonrepinephrine (means the hormones that make the heart beat feet and makes the feet cold). Cortisol makes you more affected to disease because in white blood cells cortisol turns on TCF to makes its own proteins when its job is to suppress another protein. Because cortisol hold back the immune alertness of the white blood calls it makes people more vulnerable to diseases. The effect of stress lowers immune survellance of doormat infections, which means stress can a factor for cause of disease. So whenever you are stressed by a life event it makes you easily attacked by cancer and diseases. For example: wheever an animal raise its testoronelevel to fight its enemies for mates it becomes more vulnerable to infections.

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