Saturday, June 2, 2012

Genome BOW 3: Personality

The gene that affects personality is located chromosome 11 on its short arm which is the gene called D4DR. This gene is the way to make the protein called dopamine receptor and it is switched on in cells of certain parts of the brain but not the rest. Dopamine role is to control the flow of blood through the brain, but a shortage of dopamine causes an indecisive and frozen personality. Too little dopamine also makes the person lack initiative and motivation. Too much will make the person easily bored setting out adventures. Known as the brains punishment chemical, serotonin, it is the chemical that abets anxiety and depressionIt has different ways to respond to outside influence such as social signals. All in all, personality is affected by the hormones of the body to the chemicals of the mind.                                                                                                      

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