Saturday, June 2, 2012


Why is it important to define and debate our understanding of intelligence and its origins? How does this relate to you? 
It is important to define and debate our understanding of intelligence and it origin because it would help people understand what intelligence they have, so once they know they can start continuing to use their technique instead of using other techniques which wont work and just waste time. Debating about intelligence in class was important because i got to see both sides if intelligence was from environment or innate, at first i chose environment but once the debate went on, people on the innate side made me believe that innate influences intelligence.  There are many different types of intelligence, for example someone can be street smart and book smart, or can know a lot about music but not about other stuff. This relates to me because knowing what intelligence i have can benefit me of knowing how i study best.  I like to study from the book and not by visual or lectures. I am someone that needs background noise when i study because i cant concentrate with other noises. Knowing my studying skills will help me save time from studying another technique. 

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